miércoles, 11 de abril de 2012

3rd Culture

How's everyone doing today? My day has been swell.
Instead of doing an outfit post, I'm going to be posting pictures I took back in January.  My old high school friend, Erin Robinson is a designer and I was excited when she asked me to wear some of her designs for a shoot.  Erin makes everything from shirts and jeans to jewelry and other accessories. To fall for (and order) more of her designs click "HERE"
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Erin describes her designs as "Ancient images blended with contemporary style, 3rd Culture, (or 3rd Cult for short), reflects the principle that culture should be celebrated, not abandoned. Loud, bold, unabashed prints, combined with classic silhouettes, all pieces are extremely detailed, one-of-a-kind, and timeless."

Photo Credit: Tafari Melisizwe


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